2013年10月2日 星期三

Namaste K+P studio〜山林瑜珈,Soar

 Namaste K+P studio〜山林瑜珈,Soar


SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

為了取得較好的角度,攝影師Kay總得趴在地上運鏡,看來要當攝影師真的不容易。側拍Namaste K+P studio

Namaste K+P studio不僅提供專業的拍攝外,還有瑜珈體式的提醒與調整,好讓每次的拍攝都是完美呈現。側拍Namaste K+P studio

天真可愛的Prathap不只是瑜珈大師,愛拍照的他,還是充當每次拍攝的燈光替身。Photo by Namaste K+P studio

當然偶爾Prathap興起也會露一手。側拍Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

SoarPhoto by Namaste K+P studio

Prathap親自指導與微調瑜珈體式,好讓拍攝起來的照片更為完整。側拍Namaste K+P studio

攝影師有練過嗎?除了趴在地上,還要扭轉身體。側拍Namaste K+P studio

 Prathap與Soar合影Photo by Namaste K+P studio

關於Namaste K+P studio
Kay 是專業的攝影師,Prathap是專業的瑜珈師,成立這個Studio的目標,是希望能將攝影與瑜珈結合,在專業攝影師的幫助下,拍攝下每一個瑜珈人所擁有的美麗瞬間〜

攝影師 Kay Chen 介紹

Yoga and photography are both arts. Bringing the heart into anything makes it an art.
The integration of body, mind and heart is yoga. The integration of eyes, finger and heart is photography.
Kay, as a professional photographer, and Prathap, as a professional Yoga teacher, are working on integrating yoga and photography.
Yoga photography is all about the ideas, wisdom, feeling or emotion that the yogi (she or he) is trying to express to the viewer through the image.
It's a photography of inner beauty of your soul and outer grace of your body.
The process of the yoga photography is to reflect the inner-self of the yogi more than the place, objects or the technology of the photography

Dear Yogis,
Come and express yourself.........
And Get a portrait of Yoga and See Yourself as Never Before

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