2014年1月12日 星期日

Yoga ~ Virabhadrasana 1, 2, 3 英雄

Virabhadrasana 1。瑜珈:Prathap。攝影:Namaste K+P studio (Kay)。
Nikon D700,Tamron 24-70mm F2.8(A007),光圈F8,快門1/160秒,ISO200

These asanas named after the Hindu mythological warrior, Virabhadra. He is an incarnation of the god Shiva. Virabhadra was a tall, dark, and fierce deity, depicted with a thousand arms,
flaming hair and eyes, and wearing a garland of skulls. He was described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet, wielding a thousand clubs, and wearing a tiger's skin.
Stretches the chest, lungs, shoulders and neck.
Strengthens the shoulders, arms, thighs, calves, and ankles.

這些體式印度教神話中的武士,Virabhadra而得名。他是濕婆神的化身。 Virabhadra是一個身材高大,皮膚黝黑,和激烈的神,描繪了一千武器,火紅的頭髮和眼睛,穿著頭骨的花環。他被描述為具有一千頭,一千只眼睛,一千腳,揮舞千隻棒棍,穿著老虎的皮膚。

Virabhadrasana 1。瑜珈:Prathap。攝影:Namaste K+P studio (Kay)。

Virabhadrasana 2。瑜珈:Prathap。攝影:Namaste K+P studio (Kay)。

Virabhadrasana 3。瑜珈:Prathap。攝影:Namaste K+P studio (Kay)。

